Other Publications
The Case for a Job Guarantee
New Book
The Case for a Job Guarantee (Polity 2020) is the ultimate guide to the benefits of one of the most transformative public policies being discussed today. It is essential reading for anyone interested in social justice and building a fairer economy.
Full Employment and Price Stability: The Macroeconomic Vision of William S. Vickrey
(with M. Forstater, eds.) Northampton, MA: Edward Elgar, 2004.
Journal Articles
Seismic Shifts in Economic Theory and Policy: from the Bernanke Doctrine to Modern Money Theory
(with E. Tymoigne), Journal of Post Keynesian Economics, 2023 (working paper version)
The Job Guarantee and Economic Democracy: Why a legally-enforceable right to employment is needed and how it can be implemented
Revue Européenne du droit (in English and in French), Vol. 3 Spring 2022
Dinero, poder y regímenes monetarios: por qué la naturaleza del dinero sí importa
(with Cruz-Hidalgo) in Revista Economia Critica, 2020 (29): 1-15.
La garantía de trabajo: Una nueva norma laboral y política de estabilización
Propuestas de Transformación, Perspectiva Número 20 / Octubre 2020.
The Federal Job Guarantee: Prevention, Not Just a Cure
Challenge, (July) 2019: 1-20.
Completing the Euro: The Euro Treasury and the Job Guarantee
(with Cruz-Hidalgo and Ehnts) in Revista Economia Critica, 2019 (27): 100-111.
The High Costs of UBI are Not Financial: They are Real
Eastern Economic Journal, 2019: 45 (2): 327-330.
Should the United States Adopt a Universal Basic Income?
Congressional Quarterly Researcher, 2017, 27 (31): 741
Trump’s Bait and Switch: Job Creation in the Midst of Welfare State Sabotage
Real World Economic Review, issue no. 78, 22 March 2017, pp. 148-158.
Money, Power and Distribution: Implications for Different Monetary Regimes
Journal of Self-Governance and Management Economics, 2017, 5(3): 7–27. (working paper version)
Trends in US income inequality
Real World Economics Review, 2015. 71 (May): 64-74.
Reorienting Fiscal Policy: A Bottom-up Approach
Journal of Post Keynesian Economics, Fall 2014, 37 (1): 43-66.
The Job Guarantee: Delivering the Benefits that Basic Income Only Promises
Journal of Basic Income Studies, 2013, 7 (2): 66-87.
The Role of Fiscal Policy: Lessons from Stabilization Efforts in the U.S. During the Great Recession
International Journal of Political Economy, Spring 2012, 41(2): 5-26.
On-the-spot Employment: Keynes’s Approach to Full Employment and Economic Transformation
Review of Social Economy, 2012, 70 (1): 57-80. (iFirst version, July 2011) 2012 Hellen Potter prize for best paper by the Association for Social Economics.
The Case for Labor Demand Targeting
Journal of Economics Issues, vol. XLV, no. 2, June 2011, 401-409.
Bernanke’s Paradox: Can he reconcile his position on the federal budget with his recent charge to prevent deflation?
Journal of Post Keynesian Economics, April 2011 (lead article) 33 (3): 411-433.
Fiscal Policy: The Wrench in the New Economic Consensus
International Journal of Political Economy, Fall 2010, 39 (3): 5-25.
Universal Assurances in the Public Interest: Evaluating the Economic Viability of Basic Income and Job Guarantees
International Journal of Environment, Workplace, and Employment, 2006, 2 (1): 69–88.
Common Goals – Different Solutions: Can Basic Income and Job Guarantees Deliver Their Own Promises?
(with L.R. Wray), Rutgers Journal of Law and Urban Policy, 2005, 2 (1): 125-166.
Monopoly Money: The State as a Price Setter
Oeconomicus, Winter 2002, Vol. 5: 124-143.
Money: A Comparison of the Post Keynesian and Orthodox Approaches
Oeconomicus, Winter 2001, Vol. 4: 109-114.
Book Chapters
Decommodifying Work: The Power of a Job Guarantee
Democratize Work: The Case for Reorganizing the Economy, Ferreras, Battilana, Meda, (eds), University of Chicago Press, 2022
Three Lessons from Government Spending and the Post-Pandemic Recovery
Modern Monetary Theory: Key Insights, Leading Thinkers, P. Armstrong (ed.), Cambridge, UK: Elgar 2023
Decommodifying Work with a Job Guarantee
in I. Ferreras, J. Battilana, and D. Méda, (eds.) Le Manifeste Travail, France: Le Seuil, 2020.
Guaranteed Jobs through a Public Service Employment Program for the United States
in The Elgar Companion to Modern Government Intervention, Northampton, MA: Edward, Elgar 2019 (wtith Wray, Dantas, Fullwiler, and Kelton).
Money and Monetary Regimes: a journey through the historical origins of money to the present day
in Jo, Chester, and D’lppoliti (eds.) Handbook of Heterodox Economics, London, U.K.: Routledge, 2018 (Chapter 17).
Full Employment: The Road not Taken
in T. Ali and D. Ashiagbor (eds.) Full Employment Revisited: Essays on the Economy, People and Fairness, London, U.K.: The Work Forum, 2015.
Full Employment, Inflation and Income Distribution: Evaluating the Impact of Alternative Fiscal Policies
in D. Papadimitriou (ed.) Essays in Honor of Jan Kregel, London, U.K.: Palgrave Macmillan, 2014.
Fiscal Policy for the Great Recession and Beyond
in S. Fazzari, M. Setterfield, and B. Cynamon (eds.) Keynesian Policy after the Great Recession, Cambridge University Press, 2012.
Beyond Full Employment: What Argentina’s Plan Jefes Can Teach Us about the Employer of Last Resort
in M. Forstater and M. Murray (eds.) The Job Guarantee: Toward True Full Employment, Palgrave, 2012.
Employer of Last Resort
in J.E. King (ed.), The Elgar Companion to Post Keynesian Economics, Northampton, MA: Edward Elgar, 2012.
Fiscal Policy on Shaky Foundations: (Post) Keynesian Insights for New Consensus Economists
in E. Hein, T. Niechoj and E. Stockhammer (eds.) Macroeconomic Policies on Shaky Foundations – Wither Mainstream Economics?, Marburg: Metropolis Verlag, 2009.
Evaluating the economic and environmental viability of basic income and job guarantees
in P. Lawn (ed.) Environment and Employment: A Reconciliation, London: Routledge, 2009.
Chartalism and the Tax-Driven Approach to Money
in P. Arestis and M. Sawyer (eds.) Handbook of Alternative Monetary Economics, Northampton, MA: Edward Elgar, 2006.
(with M. Forstater), encyclopedia entry in Cynthia Northrup, ed., History of U.S Economic Policy 1600s-2000, ABC-Clio. 2003, 79-80.
Working Papers, Policy Notes, and Special Reports
Créer une garantie d’emploi pour tous et toutes
Le Manifeste Travail: Démocratiser, Démarchandiser, Dépolluer”, Ferreras, Battilana, Meda, (eds), Paris, France: Seuil, 2021
The Job Guarantee: MMT’s Policy Proposal for Full Employment and Price Stability
Elgar Companion to Modern Money Theory, L. Randall Wray and Yeva Nersisyan (eds.), Cambridge, UK: Elgar, 2023
A Job Guarantee for Europe: Economic policy innovation for Stability, Security And Sustainability
Foundation for European Progressive Studies Policy Brief (with Lalucq), July 2022
Guaranteeing Employment during the Pandemic and Beyond
Levy Institute Policy Note (May) 2020.
The Job Guarantee and the Economics of Fear
One-Pager No 55, Levy Economics Institute, Annandale-on-Hudson, May 2018.
Guaranteed Jobs through a Public Service Employment Program
Levy Institute Policy Note 2018/2 (with Dantas, Fullwiler, Kelton and Wray).
The Job Guarantee: Design, Jobs and Implementation
Levy Institute Working Paper 902, April 2018.
Public Service Employment: A Path to Full Employment
Research Project Report, Levy Economics Institute, Annandale-on-Hudson, April 2018 (with Dantas, Fullwiler, Kelton and Wray).
Unemployment: The Silent Epidemic
Levy Institute Working Paper 895, Aug 2017.
Inequality Update: Who Gains When Income Grows
Policy Note 2017/2, Levy Economics Institute, April 2017.
Money, Power, and Monetary Regimes
Working Paper #861, Levy Economics Institute, Levy Economics Institute, Annandale-on-Hudson, March 2016.
Completing the Roosevelt Revolution: Why the Time for a Federal Job Guarantee Has Come
Policy Note No. 108, Binzagr Institute for Sustainable Prosperity, Denison University, November 2015.
Growth for Whom?
One-Pagers No. 47, Levy Economics Institute, Annandale-on-Hudson, October 2014.
When a Rising Tide Sinks Most Boats: Trends in U.S. Income Inequality
Policy Note 2015/4, Levy Economics Institute, Annandale-on-Hudson, April 2014.
Full Employment: The Road Not Taken
Working Paper #789, Levy Economics Institute, Annandale-on-Hudson, February 2014.
The Social Enterprise Model for a Job Guarantee in the United States
Policy Note 2014/1, Levy Economics Institute, Annandale-on-Hudson, February 2014.
Reorienting Fiscal Policy: a Critical Assessment of Fiscal Fine-Tuning
Working Paper #772, Levy Economics Institute, Annandale-on-Hudson, August 2013.
Beyond Full Employment: the Employer of Last Resort as an Institution for Change
Working Paper #732, Levy Economics Institute, Annandale-on-Hudson, September 2012.
Full Employment through Social Entrepreneurship: The Non-Profit Model for Implementing a Job Guarantee
Policy Note 2012/1, Levy Economics Institute, Annandale-on-Hudson, March 2012.
Inflationary and Distributional Effects of Alternative Fiscal Policies: An Augmented Minskian-Kaleckian Model
Working Paper #706, Levy Economics Institute, Annandale-on-Hudson, February 2012.
What Do Poor Women Want? Public Employment or Cash Transfers? Lessons from Argentina
Working Paper #705, Levy Economics Institute, Annandale-on-Hudson, February 2012.
Beyond Pump Priming
One-Pager No. 16, Levy Economics Institute, Annandale-on-Hudson, October 2011.
Fiscal Policy: Why Aggregate Demand Management Fails and What to Do about It
Working Paper 650, Levy Economics Institute, Annandale-on-Hudson, January 2011.
Fiscal Policy Effectiveness: Lessons from the Great Recession
Working Paper 649, Levy Economics Institute, Annandale-on-Hudson, January 2011.
Bernanke’s Paradox: Can he reconcile his position on the federal budget with his recent charge to prevent deflation?
Working Paper 636, Levy Economics Institute, Annandale-on-Hudson, November 2010.
Obama’s Job Creation Promise
Policy Note 2009/1, Levy Economics Institute, Annandale-on-Hudson, January 2009.
Keynes’s Approach to Full Employment,
Working Paper 542, Levy Economics Institute, Annandale-on-Hudson, August 2008.
The Return of Fiscal Policy
Working Paper 539 , Levy Economics Institute, Annandale-on-Hudson, July 2008.
Public Employment and Women: Do Female Heads of Poor Households Benefit from Argentina’s Jefes Program?
(with L.R. Wray), Working Paper 519 , Levy Economics Institute, Annandale-on-Hudson, October 2007.
Gender and Direct Job Creation: The Impact of Argentina’s Jefes Program on Female Heads of Poor Households
(with L.R. Wray), Working Paper 50, Center for Full Employment and Price Stability, Kansas City, MO, January 2006.
The Economic Viability of Universal Guarantees in Sovereign Currency Nations
Working Paper 49, Center for Full Employment and Price Stability, Kansas City, MO, November 2005.
The Art of Job Creation: Promises and Problems of the Argentinean Experience
Special Report 05/03, Center for Full Employment and Price Stability, Kansas City, MO, September 2005.
Plan Jefes de Hogar: An Assessment of Argentina’s Ability to Deliver the Promise of Full Employment and Price Stability
(with L.R. Wray), Working Paper 43, Center for Full Employment and Price Stability, Kansas City, MO, August 2005.
The Nature, Origins, and Role of Money: Broad and Specific Propositions and Their Implications for Policy
Working Paper 46, Center for Full Employment and Price Stability, Kansas City, MO, July 2005.
Missouri’s Cost of Unemployment
Special Report 05/02, Center for Full Employment and Price Stability, Kansas City, MO, May 2005.
Can Basic Income and Job Guarantees Deliver Their Promises
(with L.R. Wray), Working Paper 42, Center for Full Employment and Price Stability, Kansas City, MO, May 2005.
Is Argentina’s Jefes Plan an Employer of Last Resort Program?
(with L.R. Wray), Working Paper 41, Center for Full Employment and Price Stability, Kansas City, MO, April 2005.
Job or Income Guarantees?
Working Paper 29, Center for Full Employment and Price Stability, Kansas City, MO, August 2003.
Tax Cut Facts
(with L.R. Wray), Policy Note 2001/01, Center for Full Employment and Price Stability, Kansas City, MO, January 2001.
Palestinian Development Plan
(with W. Mosler), Special Report 00/04, Center for Full Employment and Price Stability, Kansas City, MO, June 2000.
Critical Review of Warren Mosler’s Soft Currency Economics
EPIC Discussion Paper 7, Coalition of Economic Policy Institutions, June 1996.
Mathematical Model for Full Employment and Price Stability
(modeling the Job Guarantee/Employer of Last Resort proposal) EPIC Discussion Paper 8, Coalition of Economic Policy Institutions, June 1996.